Undergraduate Courses | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

As a student in one of the programs offered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, you may need to select electives and other courses not expressly listed in your Typical Course Schedule. Below is a list of courses that may fulfill those requirements. Please confirm with your adviser or program director to ensure that you select courses that will allow you to complete your program successfully.

Electrical Engineering

2 Credits Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE-UY 1002
This course introduces numerous subject areas in Electrical and Computer Engineering (power systems, electronics, computer networking, microprocessors, digital logic, embedded systems, communications, feedback control, and signal processing). Through a series of case studies and examples, the course demonstrates how each subject area applies to practical, real-world systems and devices and discusses how the areas interact with each other to implement a complete functioning system or device. Students make presentations in teams on case studies based on articles from the IEEE Spectrum Magazine and other sources. The IEEE Code of Ethics and ethics-related issues are discussed.
ABET criteria: i, h.
Prerequisites: First-year standing
4 Credits Fund. of Electric Circuits ECE-UY 2004
Fundamentals of Circuits includes circuit modeling and analysis techniques for AC, DC and transient responses. Independent and dependent sources, resistors, inductors and capacitors are modeled. Analysis techniques include Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws, current and voltage division. Thevenin and Norton theorems, nodal and mesh analysis, and superposition. Natural and forced responses for RLC circuits, sinusoidal steady-state response and complex voltage and current (phasors) are analyzed. Alternate-week laboratory. A minimum of C- is required for students majoring in EE. Objective: fundamental knowledge of DC and AC circuit analysis.
Co-requisites for Brooklyn Engineering Students: (MA-UY 1044 or MA-UY 2034) and PH-UY 2023
Prerequisites for Abu Dhabi Students: SCIEN-AD 110, MATH-AD 116, and MATH-AD 121. ABET competencies a, c, e, k.
3 Credits Introduction to Probability ECE-UY 2233
Standard first course in probability, recommended for those planning further work in probability or statistics. Probability of events, random variables and expectations, discrete and continuous distributions, joint and conditional distributions, moment generating functions, the central limit theorem.
Prerequisites: MA-UY 109, MA-UY 2112, OR MA-UY 2114. Note: Not open to students who have taken MA-UY 2224 or MA-UY 3012 or MA-UY 3022.
3 Credits Fundamentals of Electrical Power Engineering for Non EE Students ECE-UY 2613
Introduction to electricity: current, voltage and electrical power. Ohm’s Law. Kirchhoff’s Laws. Electrical materials. Electrical energy generation process. Principles of AC. Bulk electrical power generation: hydroelectricity and thermoelectricity. Alternative generation sources. Synchronous Generators. Induction Motors. Transmission and distribution systems. Substations and transformers. Low-voltage networks. Industrial, commercial and residential networks and loads. Short-circuit and protection equipment. Relays and circuit breakers. Power quality. Reliability and blackouts. Physiological effects of electric currents in the human body. Exposure to low-frequency magnetic fields. National Electric Code (NEC). ANSI-IEEE Standards. IEC standards. Certification of electrical products compliance.
Prerequisite(s): MA-UY 1024/1054/1324, and MA-UY 1124/1154/1424; and PH-UY 1004 or PH-UY 1013; and PH-UY 2004 or PH-UY 2023.
4 Credits Signals and Systems ECE-UY 3054
This course centers on linear system theory for analog and digital systems; linearity, causality and time invariance; impulse response, convolution and stability; the Laplace, z- transforms and applications to Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems; frequency response, analog and digital filter design. Topics also include Fourier Series, Fourier Transforms and the sampling theorem. Weekly computer-laboratory projects use analysis- and design-computer packages. The course establishes foundations of linear systems theory needed in future courses; use of math packages to solve problems and simulate systems; and analog and digital filter design.
Prerequisites for Brooklyn Engineering Students: MA-UY 1044, MA-UY 2012/2132 or MA-UY 2034.
Prerequisites for Abu Dhabi Students: MATH-AD 116 and MATH-AD 121.
Prerequisites for Shanghai Students: MATH-SHU 124 and MATH-SHU 140. ABET competencies a, b, c, e, k.
4 Credits Feedback Control ECE-UY 3064
This course introduces analysis and design of linear feedback-control systems; modeling of physical systems, performance specifications, sensitivity and steady-state error; Routh- Hurwitz and Nyquist Stability tests; the use of Root Locus and frequency-response techniques to analyze system performance and design compensation (lead/lag and PID controllers) to meet performance specifications. Students analyze and design control systems using math packages in the alternate-week computer laboratory. The course establishes the foundation of feedback-control theory for use in more advanced courses; introduces control-systems design concepts and practices; and develops facility with computer-design packages for design and simulation.
Prerequisites for Brooklyn Engineering Students: EE-UY 3054 (C- or better) and PH-UY 2023.
Prerequisites for Shanghai Students: EENG-SHU 2054 (C- or better) and PHYS-SHU 93 or CCSC-SHU 51. ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, g, i, k.
4 Credits Fundamentals of Electronics I ECE-UY 3114
This course focuses on circuit models and amplifier frequency response, op-amps, difference amplifier, voltage-to-current converter, slew rate, full-power bandwidth, common-mode rejection, frequency response of closed-loop amplifier, gain-bandwidth product rule, diodes, limiters, clamps and semiconductor physics. Other topics include Bipolar Junction Transistors; small-signal models, cut-off, saturation and active regions; common emitter, common base and emitter-follower amplifier configurations; Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFET and JFET); biasing; small-signal models; common-source and common gate amplifiers; and integrated circuit MOS amplifiers. The alternate-week laboratory experiments on OP-AMP applications, BJT biasing, large signal operation and FET characteristics. The course studies design and analysis of operational amplifiers; small-signal bipolar junction transistor and field-effect transistor amplifiers; diode circuits; differential pair amplifiers and semiconductor device- physics fundamentals.
Prerequisites for Brooklyn Engineering Students: EE-UY 2024 or EE-UY 2004 (C- or better) and PH-UY 2023
Prerequisites for Abu Dhabi Students: ENGR-AD 214 and SCIEN-AD 110.
Prerequisites for Shanghai Students: EENG-SHU 251 (C- or better) and PHYS-SHU 93 or CCSC-SHU 51. ABET competencies a, b, c, e, k.
4 Credits Fundamentals of Electronics II ECE-UY 3124
The course concentrates on differential and multistage amplifier, current mirrors, current sources, active loads; frequency response of MOSFET, JFET and BJT amplifiers: Bode plots; feedback amplifiers, gain-bandwidth rule and feedback effect on frequency response; Class A, B and AB output stages; op-amp analog integrated circuits; piecewise-linear transient response; determination of state of transistors; wave-shaping circuits; MOS and bipolar digital design: noise margin, fan-out, propagation delay; CMOS, TTL, ECL; and an alternate week laboratory. The course studies design and analysis of analog integrated circuits, frequency response of amplifiers, feedback amplifiers, TTL and CMOS digital integrated circuits.
Prerequisite for Brooklyn Engineering Students: EE-UY 3114.
Prerequisite for Shanghai Students: EENG-SHU 322. ABET competencies a, c, e, g, k.
ECE-UY 3143 Please refer to the bulletin for more information
3 Credits Introduction to Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits ECE-UY 3193
The course offers an overview of integrated circuit-design process: planning, design, fabrication and testing; device physics: PN junction, MOSFET and Spice models; inverter static and dynamic behavior and power dissipation; interconnects: cross talk, variation and transistor sizing; logic gates and combinational logic networks; sequential machines and sequential system design; subsystem design: adders, multipliers, static memory (SRAM), dynamic memory (DRAM). Topics include floor planning, clock distribution, power distribution and signal integrity; Input/Output buffers, packaging and testing; IC design methodology and CAD tools; implementations: full custom, application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), field programmable gate arrays (FPGA). The course provides foundations of VLSI design and custom VLSI design methodology and state-of-the-art CAD tools.
Prerequisites: CS-UY 2204 (C- or better) and EE-UY 3114. ABET competencies: a,c,e,k.
ECE-UY 3363 Please refer to the bulletin for more information
4 Credits Fundamentals of Communication Theory ECE-UY 3404
The course covers bandpass signal representation and quadrature receivers; noise in communication systems; Digital Modulation Schemes, coherent and noncoherent receivers; coding fundamentals, block and convolutional codes; higher-order modulation schemes, QAM, M-PSK; intersymbol interference and equalization techniques; and carrier and symbol synchronization. Alternate-week computer laboratory projects analyze and design computer packages. The course teaches principles of various modulation and coding techniques and their relative effectiveness under transmission-environments constraints and uses math packages to analyze and simulate communication systems.
Prerequisites for Brooklyn Engineering Students: ECE-UY 3054 (C- or better); computer engineering students may register with instructor’s approval. Co-requisite: ECE-UY 2233 (Note: Abu Dhabi students may waive ECE-UY 2233 co-requisite if they have successfully completed ENGR-AD 195 as a prerequisite)
Prerequisite for Shanghai Students: EENG-SHU 2054 (C- or better) and co-requisite of MA-UY 3012 or ECE-UY 2223. ABET competencies a, c, e, k.
ECE-UY 3414 Please refer to the bulletin for more information
ECE-UY 345X Please refer to the bulletin for more information
4 Credits Introduction to Modern Optics and Photonics ECE-UY 3474
This course covers the physics of optics using both classical and semi-classical descriptions. The classical and quantum interactions of light with matter. Diffraction of waves and wave packets by obstacles. Fourier transform optics, holography, Fourier transform spectroscopy. Coherence and quantum aspects of light. Geometrical optics. Matrix optics. Crystal optics. Introduction to electro-optics and nonlinear optics.
Prerequisite: PH-UY 2033.
4 Credits Electromagnetic Waves ECE-UY 3604
Electromagnetic wave propagation in free space and in dielectrics, starting from a consideration of distributed inductance and capacitance on transmission lines. Electromagnetic plane waves are obtained as a special case. Reflection and transmission at discontinuities are discussed for pulsed sources, while impedance transformation and matching are presented for harmonic time dependence. Snell’s law and the reflection and transmission coefficients at dielectric interfaces are derived for obliquely propagation plane waves. Guiding of waves by dielectrics and by metal waveguides is demonstrated. Alternate-week laboratory. Objectives: Establish foundations of electromagnetic wave theory applicable to antennas, transmissions lines and materials; increase appreciation for properties of materials through physical experiments.
Prerequisites for Brooklyn Engineering Students: EE-UY 2024 or EE-UY 2004 (C- or better).
Prerequisites for Abu Dhabi Students: ENGR-AD 214.
Prerequisites for Shanghai Students: EENG-SHU 251 (C- or better). ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, k.
3 Credits Communication Networks ECE-UY 3613
This course develops basic techniques used in communication networks. After protocol layering is introduced, algorithms and protocols are discussed for use in each of the five layers: physical, data link, network, transport and application. Specific protocols such as TCP/IP, ATM, SS7 are included.
Prerequisite for Brooklyn Engineering Students: Junior status in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or computer science. Co-requisites for Brooklyn Engineering Students: ECE-UY 2233 (EE majors) or MA-UY 2224 (CompE/CS majors)
Prerequisites for Abu Dhabi Students: ENGR-AD 194 (or co-req of MA-UY 3113) and ENGR-AD 195 (or co-req of ECE-UY 2233) . ABET competencies: a, c, e.
ECE-UY 378X Please refer to the bulletin for more information
4 Credits Electric Energy Conversion Systems ECE-UY 3824
Introduction to electric-energy sources, energy-storage devices, energy economics, environmental issues and electrical hazards. Principles of electric power systems transmission and distribution. Basic electromechanical conversion systems pulse and distribution transformers, induction rotating machines. Principles of electric energy conversion, static power supplies, static controllers and electric-power quality. Fundamentals of power management heat-sinks and cooling systems. Alternate-week experiments with basic electrical machines. Objectives: familiarization with energy sources, storage devices and their economical and environmental management; analysis and design of transmission and distribution systems, basic electrical machinery and power electronic converters.
Prerequisite for Brooklyn Engineering Students: EE-UY 2024 or EE-UY 2004 (C- or better).
Prerequisite for Shanghai Students: EENG-SHU 251 (C- or better)
Co-requisite (for all students): EE-UY 3604. ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, g, k.
1 Credits ECE Professional Development & Presentation ECE-UY 4001
This course provides electrical and computer engineering students with concepts, theory, principles and experience in project management and project presentation. Students learn how to apply skills learned in engineering coursework to team projects in a professional environment. Prerequisites: Junior or senior status or permission of the instructor.
Restricted to Electrical and Computer Engineering majors.
3 Credits Dp I - Controls and Robotics ECE-UY 4113
The required design project consists of two three-credit courses. The first course, EE DP1, is one of a number of specialty lab/project courses offered by the department in various subdisciplines such as electronics, machinery, robotics, imaging, communications, etc. (EE-UY 4113-4183, below).
DP1 provides significant background laboratory experience in the student’s area of concentration. Students begin independent projects by finding an adviser and initiating the project work, and exercising oral presentation and written communication skills.
Prerequisite: completion of all junior-level technical courses. ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, f, g, k.
3 Credits Senior Design in Electrical Power & Energy: Introduction to Electric Power Systems ECE-UY 4123
The first course, EE DP1, is one of a number of specialty lab/project courses offered by the department in various subdisciplines such as electronics, machinery, robotics, imaging, communications, etc. (ECE-UY 4113-4183, below). DP1 provides significant background laboratory experience in the student’s area of concentration. Students begin independent projects by finding an adviser and initiating the project work, and exercising oral presentation and written communication skills.
The course focuses on basic concepts in electric power systems. Topics include: three-phase circuits; component modeling (generators, transmission lines, transformers, etc.); per-unit system; symmetrical components; power flow; short circuit; transient stability; introduction to advanced topics: contingency analysis, optimum power flow, electromagnetic transients, geomagnetically induced currents, and harmonics. The course is complemented by laboratory experiments on synchronous and induction (wind) generators. ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, f, g, k.
Prerequisite: ECE-UY 3824
3 Credits Des Proj: Electromagnetic Waves and Apps ECE-UY 4133
The required design project consists of two three-credit courses. The first course, EE DP1, is one of a number of specialty lab/project courses offered by the department in various subdisciplines such as electronics, machinery, robotics, imaging, communications, etc. (EE-UY 4113-4183, below).
DP1 provides significant background laboratory experience in the student’s area of concentration. Students begin independent projects by finding an adviser and initiating the project work, and exercising oral presentation and written communication skills.
Prerequisite: completion of all junior-level technical courses. ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, f, g, k.
ECE-UY 4143 Please refer to the bulletin for more information
4 Credits Introduction to Embedded Systems Design ECE-UY 4144
The course covers architecture and operation of embedded microprocessors; microprocessor assembly language programming; address decoding; interfacing to static and dynamic RAM; Serial I/O, Parallel I/O, analog I/O; interrupts and direct memory access; A/D and D/A converters; sensors; microcontrollers. Alternate-week laboratory. Objectives: to provide foundations of embedded systems design and analysis techniques; expose students to system level design; and teach integration of analog sensors with digital embedded microprocessors.
Prerequisites: CS-UY 2204 (C- or better) and EE-UY 2024 or EE-UY 2004 (C- or better). ABET competencies: a, c, d, e, g, j, k.
ECE-UY 4153 Please refer to the bulletin for more information
3 Credits Real-time Digital Signal Processing (dp1) ECE-UY 4163
The required design project consists of two three-credit courses. The first course, EE DP1, is one of a number of specialty lab/project courses offered by the department in various subdisciplines such as electronics, machinery, robotics, imaging, communications, etc. (EE-UY 4113-4183, below). DP1 provides significant background laboratory experience in the student’s area of concentration. Students begin independent projects by finding an adviser and initiating the project work, and exercising oral presentation and written communication skills.
Prerequisite: completion of all junior-level technical courses. ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, f, g, k.
3 Credits Design Project I-telecommunications Network ECE-UY 4173
The required design project consists of two three-credit courses. The first course, EE DP1, is one of a number of specialty lab/project courses offered by the department in various subdisciplines such as electronics, machinery, robotics, imaging, communications, etc. (EE-UY 4113-4183, below).
DP1 provides significant background laboratory experience in the student’s area of concentration. Students begin independent projects by finding an adviser and initiating the project work, and exercising oral presentation and written communication skills.
Prerequisite: completion of all junior-level technical courses. ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, f, g, k.
3 Credits Wireless Communications ECE-UY 4183
The required design project consists of two three-credit courses. The first course, EE DP1, is one of a number of specialty lab/project courses offered by the department in various subdisciplines such as electronics, machinery, robotics, imaging, communications, etc. (EE-UY 4113-4183, below). DP1 provides significant background laboratory experience in the student’s area of concentration. Students begin independent projects by finding an adviser and initiating the project work, and exercising oral presentation and written communication skills.
Prerequisite: ECE-UY 3054 and Senior Level
3 Credits Electrical and Computer Engineering Design Project I ECE-UY 4193
Independent Study Design Project 1. In the 2-semester Senior Design Project, a required course for seniors, you will focus on an aspect of electrical engineering. In the first semester, you will develop skills using specialized laboratory equipment and computer-design packages. You will be introduced to techniques for planning projects and how to make effective presentations. You will also learn to balance such design requirements as performance, safety, reliability, and cost effectiveness.
3 Credits Wireless Information Systems Laboratory II ECE-UY 4283
This course includes hands-on experience with a combination of laboratory experiments, lectures and projects relating to basic and advanced topics in wireless communications. Specific topics include mixers, IQ modulation, phase locked loops, receiver design, PN code acquisition, smart antennas and RFID.
Prerequisite: EE-UY 4183
3 Credits Electrical and Computer Design Project II ECE-UY 4293
In this concluding phase of the Design Project, students and their advisers continue to work on the independent project begun in the previous semester. The final project builds upon analytical and laboratory skills developed in previous required and elective courses. The project may be an individual one, or may be carried out by a student team working with a faculty group adviser. The final Capstone Project also may be a multidisciplinary project carried out with students from other departments.
Prerequisite: EE-UY 41X3. ABET competencies: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.
3 Credits Computer Engineering Design Project I ECE-UY 4313
Lectures and experiments introduce computer hardware organization, assembly language programming and interfacing computer hardware to physical devices. This course exercises the student’s oral presentation and written communication skills, and provides background necessary for beginning independent project work. Students find an adviser and choose DP II course project.
Prerequisite: completion of all junior level technical courses, including minimum grade requirements. ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, f, g, k.
3 Credits Computer Engineering Design Project II ECE-UY 4323
Students work with faculty advisers in this concluding phase of their Capstone Project. This project builds upon the analytical and laboratory skills developed in previous required and elective courses. The project may be an individual one, or carried out by a team of students working with a faculty group adviser. The project also may be multidisciplinary, carried out with students from other departments. Students are required to make oral and written presentations.
Prerequisites: EE-UY 4313 or CS-UY 4513. ABET competencies: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.
ECE-UY 4414 Please refer to the bulletin for more information
ECE-UY 4513 Please refer to the bulletin for more information
3 Credits Introduction to Machine Learning ECE-UY 4563
This course provides a hands on approach to machine learning and statistical pattern recognition. The course describes fundamental algorithms for linear regression, classification, model selection, support vector machines, neural networks, dimensionality reduction and clustering. The course includes computer exercises on real and synthetic data using current software tools. A number of applications are demonstrated on audio and image processing, text classification, and more. Students should have competency in computer programming.
Prerequisites: ECE-UY 2233, MA-UY 2233, MA-UY 3012, MA-UY 2224 or MA-UY 2222, MA-UY 3514
ECE-UY 4823 Please refer to the bulletin for more information
3 Credits Power Electronics for the Internet of Things ECE-UY 4863
The course covers all aspects of supplying electric power to the Internet of Things devices and systems. Energy harvesting, conversion, and storage are discussed. Rectifiers, inverters, and dc-dc converters are analyzed and designed. Examples of wired and wireless power transfer systems for battery charging are provided. CAD software for power electronics is introduced. Just-in-time coverage of electric circuit concepts makes the course accessible to any student with an engineering math and physics background.
Prerequisite: MA-UY 2034 and PH-UY 2023; or instructor's permission.