- Academics
Computer Engineering, B.S.

Products of computer engineering touch nearly every part of our lives. They let us chat via webcams, send e-mails from cell phones, and withdraw cash from ATMs. But computer-based devices and information networks aren’t the only products computer engineers develop; they reconstruct genomes, design robots, and develop software to make businesses more efficient. That’s just the kind of invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship that the School of Engineering encourages.
Our BS program in Computer Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. The program has a comprehensive analysis and design curriculum that provides an outstanding, cutting-edge education in computer systems with emphasis on hardware and software, The program incorporates the latest market and technology trends and combines the traditional disciplines of electronics, communications, control and computer programming with newer courses, such as Cyber Security, Nanoscale Circuit Design, Parallel Computers, Image Processing, Biomedical Instrumentation, Web Search Engines, Wireless Networks, Peer-to-Peer Networks, SoC (System-on-a-Chip), VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) and Game Development.
Recognizing the need for well-rounded engineers, we also emphasize strong communication and interpersonal skills. Our students develop these skills not only through required courses in the humanities and social sciences but also during team projects in design classes. Sponsored research and affiliate programs at our Center for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications (CATT), and Offensive Security, Incident Response, and Internet Security Lab also put you in constant contact with alumni and instructors whose experience in the industry you can draw upon.
Graduates of our program have gone on to design microchips and computer graphics, monitor and control industrial plants, and develop embedded hardware/software systems. They also occupy positions in manufacturing, research, financial services, health, and government, or create their own companies.
With departmental permission, you may earn a single bachelor’s degree in electrical and computer engineering. This degree requires a minimum of 142 credits rather than the typical 128 required for individual bachelor’s degrees.
About the Program
Program Educational Objectives
The broad objectives of the Computer Engineering Program are:
- Graduates are expected to be engaged and advancing in their professional careers in a profession that utilizes their NYU Tandon degree, in Computer Engineering or another career path, that include industry, academia, and governmental or non-governmental organizations.
- Graduates are expected to be seeking continuous professional development and life-long learning through graduate school studies, continuing education credits and/or professional registration.
Student Outcomes
In order to prepare our students to meet these objectives after graduation the ECE department has adopted the ABET 1 to 7 criteria as the appropriate student outcomes that our curriculum is designed to foster in our students:
(1) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
(2) an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
(3) an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
(4) an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
(5) an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
(6) an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
(7) an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies
Minor in Computer Engineering
You may obtain a minor in computer engineering by taking the following courses with a GPA of 2.0 or better.
- 4 Credits Fund. of Electric Circuits ECE-UY 2004
- Fundamentals of Circuits includes circuit modeling and analysis techniques for AC, DC and transient responses. Independent and dependent sources, resistors, inductors and capacitors are modeled. Analysis techniques include Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws, current and voltage division. Thevenin and Norton theorems, nodal and mesh analysis, and superposition. Natural and forced responses for RLC circuits, sinusoidal steady-state response and complex voltage and current (phasors) are analyzed. Alternate-week laboratory. A minimum of C- is required for students majoring in EE. Objective: fundamental knowledge of DC and AC circuit analysis.
Co-requisites for Brooklyn Engineering Students: (MA-UY 1044 or MA-UY 2034) and PH-UY 2023
Prerequisites for Abu Dhabi Students: SCIEN-AD 110, MATH-AD 116, and MATH-AD 121. ABET competencies a, c, e, k. - 4 Credits Digital Logic and State Machine Design CS-UY 2204
- This course covers combinational and sequential digital circuits. Topics: Introduction to digital systems. Number systems and binary arithmetic. Switching algebra and logic design. Error detection and correction. Combinational integrated circuits, including adders. Timing hazards. Sequential circuits, flipflops, state diagrams and synchronous machine synthesis. Programmable Logic Devices, PLA, PAL and FPGA. Finite-state machine design. Memory elements. A grade of C or better is required of undergraduate computer-engineering majors.
Prerequisite for Brooklyn Students: CS-UY 1114 (C- or better) or CS-UY 1133 (C- or better)
Prerequisite for Abu Dhabi Students: CS-UH 1001 (C- or better) or ENGR-UH 1000 (C- or better)
Prerequisite for Shanghai Students: CSCI-SHU 101 (C- or better) - 4 Credits Introduction to Embedded Systems Design ECE-UY 4144
- The course covers architecture and operation of embedded microprocessors; microprocessor assembly language programming; address decoding; interfacing to static and dynamic RAM; Serial I/O, Parallel I/O, analog I/O; interrupts and direct memory access; A/D and D/A converters; sensors; microcontrollers. Alternate-week laboratory. Objectives: to provide foundations of embedded systems design and analysis techniques; expose students to system level design; and teach integration of analog sensors with digital embedded microprocessors.
Prerequisites: CS-UY 2204 (C- or better) and EE-UY 2024 or EE-UY 2004 (C- or better). ABET competencies: a, c, d, e, g, j, k.
For students not earning the BS degree in computer science, ECE-UY 4144 may be replaced by CS-UY 2214 Computer Architecture. You must take a minimum of 8 credits at the School of Engineering. Students for whom CS-UY 1133/CS-UY 1114 is not required for major should note that CS-UY 1133/CS-UY 1114 is a prerequisite for CS-UY 2204. The minor in computer engineering is not open to students earning the BS degree in electrical engineering.
To obtain a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, you must complete 128 credits. A sample semester-by-semester look at your program can be found on the Sample Course Schedule below.
In this section, you'll find:
- Grade Requirements
- Senior Design Project
- Senior Thesis
For a CompE Study Plan, please refer: CompE Study Plan.
Grade Requirements
The Institute requires a 2.0 GPA in all courses and specifies other general requirements in the section “Undergraduate Academic Programs and Policies,” beginning on page 16 of the School of Engineering catalog which describes the core curriculum for all engineering majors, including placement procedures in writing, mathematics and programming; course credits by transfer and advanced placement; and credit by examination.
To graduate with a BS in Computer Engineering, you must:
1) Have a C-grade or better in:
- 4 Credits Introduction to Programming & Problem Solving CS-UY 1114
- This course introduces problem solving and computer programming and is for undergraduate Computer Science and Computer Engineering majors who have limited prior experience in programming in any language. The course covers fundamentals of computer programming and its underlying principles using the Python programming language. Concepts and methods introduced in the course are illustrated by examples from various disciplines. ABET competencies: a,b,c, e, f, g, k
Corequisite: EX-UY 1; Anti-requisite: CS-UY 1113 - 4 Credits Data Structures and Algorithms CS-UY 1134
- This course covers abstract data types and the implementation and use of standard data structures along with fundamental algorithms and the basics of algorithm analysis. Not open to students who have taken CS-UY 2134.
Prerequisite for Brooklyn Students: CS-UY 1114 or CS-UY 1121 (C- or better)
Prerequisite for Abu Dhabi Students: CS-UH 1001 or ENGR-UH 1000
Prerequisite for Shanghai Students: CSCI-SHU 101
Corequisite for all Students: EX-UY 1 - 4 Credits Object Oriented Programming CS-UY 2124
- This intermediate-level programming course teaches object-oriented programming in C++. Topics: Pointers, dynamic memory allocation and recursion. Classes and objects including constructors, destructors, methods (member functions) and data members. Access and the interface to relationships of classes including composition, association and inheritance. Polymorphism through function overloading operators. Inheritance and templates. Use of the standard template library containers and algorithms.
Prerequisite: CS-UY 1134 (C- or better); Corequisite: EX-UY 1 - 4 Credits Digital Logic and State Machine Design CS-UY 2204
- This course covers combinational and sequential digital circuits. Topics: Introduction to digital systems. Number systems and binary arithmetic. Switching algebra and logic design. Error detection and correction. Combinational integrated circuits, including adders. Timing hazards. Sequential circuits, flipflops, state diagrams and synchronous machine synthesis. Programmable Logic Devices, PLA, PAL and FPGA. Finite-state machine design. Memory elements. A grade of C or better is required of undergraduate computer-engineering majors.
Prerequisite for Brooklyn Students: CS-UY 1114 (C- or better) or CS-UY 1133 (C- or better)
Prerequisite for Abu Dhabi Students: CS-UH 1001 (C- or better) or ENGR-UH 1000 (C- or better)
Prerequisite for Shanghai Students: CSCI-SHU 101 (C- or better) - 4 Credits Fund. of Electric Circuits ECE-UY 2004
- Fundamentals of Circuits includes circuit modeling and analysis techniques for AC, DC and transient responses. Independent and dependent sources, resistors, inductors and capacitors are modeled. Analysis techniques include Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws, current and voltage division. Thevenin and Norton theorems, nodal and mesh analysis, and superposition. Natural and forced responses for RLC circuits, sinusoidal steady-state response and complex voltage and current (phasors) are analyzed. Alternate-week laboratory. A minimum of C- is required for students majoring in EE. Objective: fundamental knowledge of DC and AC circuit analysis.
Co-requisites for Brooklyn Engineering Students: (MA-UY 1044 or MA-UY 2034) and PH-UY 2023
Prerequisites for Abu Dhabi Students: SCIEN-AD 110, MATH-AD 116, and MATH-AD 121. ABET competencies a, c, e, k.
2) Have a technical GPA of 2.0 based on all courses prefixed ECE-UY, CS-UY or ECE-GY. Seniors may elect graduate courses labeled ECE-GY 5XX3, but not CS-GY 5XX3. To enroll in other graduate courses, you must meet required department GPA standards and adviser approval.
Senior Design Project
The 2-semester Senior Design Project allows you to focus on an application of computer engineering. In the first semester, you and your classmates will concentrate on hardware and/or software. You will develop skills using specialized laboratory equipment and computer-design packages and will be introduced to techniques for planning projects and making effective presentations. You will learn to balance design requirements such as performance, safety, reliability, and cost effectiveness.
In the second and final semester, you will design, build or simulate, and test a device or system to meet prescribed engineering specifications.
Senior Thesis
If as an undergraduate computer engineering student you wish to do a Senior Thesis (BS thesis) instead of Design Project (DP), you must:
- Complete 6 total credits of ECE-UY 397
- Make a presentation to your thesis adviser, with attendance open to other students and faculty; and
- Bind your thesis according to Institute guidelines for MS and PhD theses.
Note: For the thesis, you do need not register for Design Project I or Design Project II. Before registering for Senior Thesis, you must find a faculty member to serve as thesis adviser. In addition, you must have a 3.0 GPA in order to register for Senior Thesis instead of Design Project.
Additional notes:
- The Senior Thesis must be design oriented
- The 6 credits of DP-1 and DP-2 are replaced by 6 credits of Senior Thesis (ECE-UY 397)
- You are advised not to take all 6 credits of Senior Thesis during a single semester
Typical Course Schedule
This schedule lists specific courses you might take as you work towards your bachelor's in computer engineering. 128 credits are required to complete the degree.
If there is not a link supplied with a course number, please consult the Bulletin.
First Year
Fall Semester
- 4 Credits Calculus I for Engineers MA-UY 1024
- This course covers: Library of Functions, functions of one variable. Limits, derivatives of functions defined by graphs, tables and formulas, differentiation rules for power, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions, derivatives of trigonometric functions, the product and quotient rules, the chain rule, applications of the chain rule, maxima and minima, optimization. The definite integral, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and interpretations, theorems about definite integrals, anti-derivatives.
Prerequisite: Placement Exam or MA-UY 914
Corequisite: EX-UY 1 - EG-UY 1003 Please refer to the bulletin for more information 1
- 1 Credits Engineering and Technology Forum EG-UY 1001 1
- In this course the notion of invention, innovation and entrepreneurship (i2e) is introduced to the students’ educational experience. Students will be exposed to elements of a research-intensive institution and diverse research performed by leading engineers, scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs.
- 4 Credits Introduction to Programming & Problem Solving CS-UY 1114 2
- This course introduces problem solving and computer programming and is for undergraduate Computer Science and Computer Engineering majors who have limited prior experience in programming in any language. The course covers fundamentals of computer programming and its underlying principles using the Python programming language. Concepts and methods introduced in the course are illustrated by examples from various disciplines. ABET competencies: a,b,c, e, f, g, k
Corequisite: EX-UY 1; Anti-requisite: CS-UY 1113 - 4 Credits Writing As Inquiry EXPOS-UA 1
- This foundational writing course is required for CAS, Nursing, Social Work,
Steinhardt and Tandon incoming undergraduates. "Writing the Essay''
provides instruction and practice in critical reading, creative and logical
thinking, and clear, persuasive writing. Students learn to analyze and
interpret written texts, to use texts as evidence, to develop ideas, and to
write exploratory and argumentative essays. Exploration, inquiry,
reflection, analysis, revision, and collaborative learning are emphasized.
Total: 16 credits
Spring Semester
- 4 Credits Calculus II for Engineers MA-UY 1124
- This course covers techniques of integration, introduction to ordinary differential equations, improper integrals, numerical methods of integration, applications of integration, sequences, series, power series, approximations of functions via Taylor polynomials, Taylor series, functions of two variables, graphs of functions of two variables, contour diagrams, linear functions, functions of three variables.
Prerequisites: MA-UY 1024 or MA-UY 1324
Corequisite: EX-UY 1. - 3 Credits Mechanics PH-UY 1013
- This course is the first of a three-semester lecture sequence in general physics for science and engineering students. Motion of particles and systems of particles. One-dimensional motion. Vectors and two-dimensional motions. Forces and acceleration. Conservation of energy and momentum. Rotations. The free and driven harmonic oscillator. Gravitation. (This class meets four hours per week for lectures and recitation.)
Prerequisites: MA-UY 1024 or an approved equivalent. Corequisites: MA-UY 1124 or approved equivalent, and EX-UY 1 - 4 Credits Data Structures and Algorithms CS-UY 1134 2
- This course covers abstract data types and the implementation and use of standard data structures along with fundamental algorithms and the basics of algorithm analysis. Not open to students who have taken CS-UY 2134.
Prerequisite for Brooklyn Students: CS-UY 1114 or CS-UY 1121 (C- or better)
Prerequisite for Abu Dhabi Students: CS-UH 1001 or ENGR-UH 1000
Prerequisite for Shanghai Students: CSCI-SHU 101
Corequisite for all Students: EX-UY 1 - 4 Credits The Advanced College Essay EXPOS-UA 2
- The course follows Writing the Essay (EW 1013) and provides advanced instruction in analyzing and interpreting written texts from a variety of academic disciplines, using written texts as evidence, developing ideas, and writing argumentative essays. It stresses analysis, argument, reflection, revision, and collaborative learning.
Prerequisite(s): EW 1013 - 2 Credits Introduction to Computer Engineering ECE-UY 1012 2
- This course helps students to understand computer engineering as a balance among hardware, software, applications and theory, the notion of abstraction, computer layers and how they relate to various aspects of computer engineering, implementation of abstract and physical computer layers: Number systems, digital logic, basic processor structure, instruction set architecture, machine languages, assembly languages and high-level programming in C. Other computer concepts, including compilers, operating systems and algorithms, are presented, along with the simulator concept and its usage for understanding computer design, testing and analysis. Experts present special topics in the area. Also discussed are invention, innovation, entrepreneurship and ethics in these topics and in Computer Engineering. Cross listed as CS-UY 1012.
ABET competencies: e, h, j
Prerequisite: Only first-year students are permitted to enrol in this course.
Total: 17 credits
Sophomore Year
Fall Semester
- 4 Credits Linear Algebra and Differential Equations MA-UY 2034
- MA-UY 2034 is an introduction to ordinary differential equations and linear algebra. The course develops the techniques for the analytic and numeric solutions of ordinary differential equations (and systems) that are widely used in modern engineering and science. Linear algebra is used as a tool for solving systems of linear equations as well as for understanding the structure of solutions to linear (systems) of differential equations. Topics covered include the fundamental concepts of linear algebra such as Gaussian elimination, matrix theory, linear transformations, vector spaces, subspaces, basis, eigenvectors, eigenvalues and the diagonalization of matrices, as well as the techniques for the analytic and numeric solutions of ordinary differential equations (and systems) that commonly appear in modern engineering and science.
Prerequisite: MA-UY 1124 or MA-UY 1424. Note: Not open to students who have taken MA-UY 1044 or MA-UY 3054 or MA-UY 3083 or MA-UY 4204. - 3 Credits Electricity, Magnetism, & Fluids PH-UY 2023
- This is the second course of a three-semester lecture sequence in general physics for science and engineering students. Fluids at rest and in motion. An introduction to electric and magnetic forces and fields. Electric charge density. Electric fields from simple charge distributions. Electric potential. Capacitance. Magnetic forces. Magnetic field from a current loop. Inductance. Magnetism in matter. Current and resistance. (This class meets four hours per week for lectures and recitation.)
Prerequisites: PH-UY 1013 and MA-UY 1124 or an approved equivalent. Co-requisite: EX-UY 1 - 1 Credits General Physics Laboratory I PH-UY 2121
- PH-UY 2121 General Physics Laboratory I (0.5:1:0:1). An introductory level experimental course. Fundamental laboratory experiments in classical mechanics and electrostatics. Stresses basic experimental techniques, error analysis, and written presentation of experiment results. Experiments require progressively more detailed and sophisticated analysis. This laboratory class meets for three hours on alternate weeks.
Prerequisites: PH-UY 1013 and MA-UY 1124 or equivalent. Co-requisite: PH-UY 2023. - 4 Credits Object Oriented Programming CS-UY 2124 2
- This intermediate-level programming course teaches object-oriented programming in C++. Topics: Pointers, dynamic memory allocation and recursion. Classes and objects including constructors, destructors, methods (member functions) and data members. Access and the interface to relationships of classes including composition, association and inheritance. Polymorphism through function overloading operators. Inheritance and templates. Use of the standard template library containers and algorithms.
Prerequisite: CS-UY 1134 (C- or better); Corequisite: EX-UY 1 - 4 Credits Fund. of Electric Circuits ECE-UY 2004
- Fundamentals of Circuits includes circuit modeling and analysis techniques for AC, DC and transient responses. Independent and dependent sources, resistors, inductors and capacitors are modeled. Analysis techniques include Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws, current and voltage division. Thevenin and Norton theorems, nodal and mesh analysis, and superposition. Natural and forced responses for RLC circuits, sinusoidal steady-state response and complex voltage and current (phasors) are analyzed. Alternate-week laboratory. A minimum of C- is required for students majoring in EE. Objective: fundamental knowledge of DC and AC circuit analysis.
Co-requisites for Brooklyn Engineering Students: (MA-UY 1044 or MA-UY 2034) and PH-UY 2023
Prerequisites for Abu Dhabi Students: SCIEN-AD 110, MATH-AD 116, and MATH-AD 121. ABET competencies a, c, e, k.
Total: 16 credits
Spring Semester
- 4 Credits Discrete Mathematics MA-UY 2314
- Logic, proofs, set theory, functions, relations, asymptotic notation, recurrences, modeling computation, graph theory.
Prerequisite: Math Diagnostic Exam or MA-UY 914 (minimum calculus level required)
Prerequisite for Shanghai students: MATH-SHU 131. Note: This course and CS-GY 6003 cannot both be taken for credit. - 4 Credits Digital Logic and State Machine Design CS-UY 2204 2
- This course covers combinational and sequential digital circuits. Topics: Introduction to digital systems. Number systems and binary arithmetic. Switching algebra and logic design. Error detection and correction. Combinational integrated circuits, including adders. Timing hazards. Sequential circuits, flipflops, state diagrams and synchronous machine synthesis. Programmable Logic Devices, PLA, PAL and FPGA. Finite-state machine design. Memory elements. A grade of C or better is required of undergraduate computer-engineering majors.
Prerequisite for Brooklyn Students: CS-UY 1114 (C- or better) or CS-UY 1133 (C- or better)
Prerequisite for Abu Dhabi Students: CS-UH 1001 (C- or better) or ENGR-UH 1000 (C- or better)
Prerequisite for Shanghai Students: CSCI-SHU 101 (C- or better) - 4 Credits Fundamentals of Electronics I ECE-UY 3114
- This course focuses on circuit models and amplifier frequency response, op-amps, difference amplifier, voltage-to-current converter, slew rate, full-power bandwidth, common-mode rejection, frequency response of closed-loop amplifier, gain-bandwidth product rule, diodes, limiters, clamps and semiconductor physics. Other topics include Bipolar Junction Transistors; small-signal models, cut-off, saturation and active regions; common emitter, common base and emitter-follower amplifier configurations; Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFET and JFET); biasing; small-signal models; common-source and common gate amplifiers; and integrated circuit MOS amplifiers. The alternate-week laboratory experiments on OP-AMP applications, BJT biasing, large signal operation and FET characteristics. The course studies design and analysis of operational amplifiers; small-signal bipolar junction transistor and field-effect transistor amplifiers; diode circuits; differential pair amplifiers and semiconductor device- physics fundamentals.
Prerequisites for Brooklyn Engineering Students: EE-UY 2024 or EE-UY 2004 (C- or better) and PH-UY 2023
Prerequisites for Abu Dhabi Students: ENGR-AD 214 and SCIEN-AD 110.
Prerequisites for Shanghai Students: EENG-SHU 251 (C- or better) and PHYS-SHU 93 or CCSC-SHU 51. ABET competencies a, b, c, e, k.
3-4 Credits Math/Science Elective
Total: 15/16 credits
Junior Year
Fall Semester
- 4 Credits Calculus III: Multi-dimensional Calculus MA-UY 2114
- Vectors in the plane and space. Partial derivatives with applications, especially Lagrange multipliers. Double and triple integrals. Spherical and cylindrical coordinates. Surface and line integrals. Divergence, gradient, and curl. Theorems of Gauss and Stokes.
Prerequisite: MA-UY 1124 or MA-UY 1424. Anti-requisite: MA-UY 2514 - 4 Credits Computer Architecture and Organization CS-UY 2214
- This course covers a top-down approach to computer design. Topics: Computer architecture, introduction to assembly language programming and machine language set design. Computer organization, logical modules; CPU, memory and I/O units. Instruction cycles, the datapath and control unit. Hardwiring and microprogramming. The memory subsystem and timing. I/O interface, interrupts, programmed I/O and DMA. Introduction to pipelining and memory hierarchies. Fundamentals of computer networks.
Prerequisite for Brooklyn Engineering Students: CS-UY 2204 (C- or better) for computer engineering majors; (CS-UY 2134 or CS-UY 1134) and (CS-UY 2124 or CS-UY 1124) (C- or better) and MA-UY 2314 for computer science majors. Students who are neither computer engineering majors nor computer science majors must take either CS-UY 2204 (C- or better) OR (CS-UY 2134 or CS-UY 1134) and (CS-UY 2124 or CS-UY 1124) (C- or better) and MA-UY 2314.
Prerequisite for Abu Dhabi Students: ENGR-AD 121.
Prerequisites for Shanghai Students: CSCI-SHU 2314 and CSCI-SHU 210 (C- or better) or CENG-SHU 201. ABET competencies: a, c, e. - 1 Credits ECE Professional Development & Presentation ECE-UY 4001
- This course provides electrical and computer engineering students with concepts, theory, principles and experience in project management and project presentation. Students learn how to apply skills learned in engineering coursework to team projects in a professional environment. Prerequisites: Junior or senior status or permission of the instructor.
Restricted to Electrical and Computer Engineering majors.
3-4 Credits ECE/CS Elective
3-4 Credits Math/Science Elective
Total: 15/17 credits
Spring Semester
- 4 Credits Probability and Statistics for Engineers MA-UY 2224
- An introductory course to probability and statistics. It affords the student some acquaintance with both probability and statistics in a single term. Topics in Probability include mathematical treatment of chance; combinatorics; binomial, Poisson, and Gaussian distributions; the Central Limit Theorem and the normal approximation. Topics in Statistics include sampling distributions of sample mean and sample variance; normal, t-, and Chi-square distributions; confidence intervals; testing of hypotheses; least squares regression model. Applications to scientific, industrial, and financial data are integrated into the course.NOTE: Not open to math majors or students who have taken or will take MA-UY 2054 or MA-UY 3014 or MA-UY 3514 or ECE-UY 2233.
Prerequisite: MA-UY 1124, MA-UY1424, or MA-UY 1132 or MATH-UH 1020 or MATH-UH 1021 or MATH-SHU 151 - 4 Credits Introduction to Embedded Systems Design ECE-UY 4144
- The course covers architecture and operation of embedded microprocessors; microprocessor assembly language programming; address decoding; interfacing to static and dynamic RAM; Serial I/O, Parallel I/O, analog I/O; interrupts and direct memory access; A/D and D/A converters; sensors; microcontrollers. Alternate-week laboratory. Objectives: to provide foundations of embedded systems design and analysis techniques; expose students to system level design; and teach integration of analog sensors with digital embedded microprocessors.
Prerequisites: CS-UY 2204 (C- or better) and EE-UY 2024 or EE-UY 2004 (C- or better). ABET competencies: a, c, d, e, g, j, k.
3-4 Credits Free Elective
4 Credits Humanities and Social Sciences Elective*
Total: 14/16 credits
*See Footnote 3
Senior Year
Fall Semester
3 Credits ECE/CS 4XX3 Design Project I
3 Credits VIP-UY Course
4 Credits Humanities and Social Sciences Elective*
4 Credits Humanities and Social Sciences Elective*
3 Credits Free Elective
3-4 Credits Free Elective
Total: 17/18 credits
Spring Semester
3 Credits ECE/CS 4XX3 Design Project II
3-4 Credits ECE Elective
3-4 Credits Free Elective
3 Credits Free Elective
4 Credits Humanities and Social Sciences Elective*
Total: 16/18 credits
Total credits required for graduation: 128
*See Footnote 3
Important Notes
Note: A GPA (Technical) of at least 2.0 is required in all ECE-UY, CS-UY and ECE-GY courses.
1. For transfer students and students changing major, CS-UY 1012 Introduction to Computer Engineering is not required. ECE-UY 1001 Engineering and Technology Forum and ECE-UY 1003 Introduction to Engineering and Design may also be excused depending upon transfer credits.
2. Grades of at least C- are required in CS-UY 1114, CS-UY 1134, CS-UY 2124, CS-UY 2204, and ECE-UY 2004. C if repeated twice.
3. Choice of humanities and social sciences electives must conform to the established requirements of the Technology, Culture and Society Department. After the first-year writing courses, students will need one writing intensive elective course (W). In addition, one of the four courses must be a Junior or Senior-level course.
Restricted Electives
CS Courses
- 3 Credits Design & Analysis of Algorithms CS-UY 2413
- This course covers fundamental principles of the design and analysis of algorithms. Topics include asymptotic notation, recurrences, randomized algorithms, sorting and selection, balanced binary search trees, augmented data structures, advanced data structures, algorithms on strings, graph algorithms, geometric algorithms, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming and NP completeness.
Prerequisites for Brooklyn Engineering Students: (CS-UY 2134 or CS-UY 1134) and (CS-UY 2124 or CS-UY 1124) (C- or better) and MA-UY 2314; Corequisite: EX-UY 1
Prerequisites for Abu Dhabi Students: (ENGR-UH 3510 or CS-UH 1050) (C- or better) and CS-UH 1002
Prerequisite for Shanghai Students: CSCI-SHU 210 (C- or better) and CSCI-SHU 2314 - 3 Credits Introduction to Databases CS-UY 3083
- This course introduces database systems and their approach as a mechanism to model the real world. The course covers data models (relational, object-oriented), physical database design, query languages, query processing and optimization, as well as transaction management techniques. Implementation issues, object oriented and distributed databases also are introduced.
Prerequisites for Brooklyn Students: (CS-UY 2134 or CS-UY 1134) and (CS-UY 2124 or CS-UY 1124) (C- or better) and MA-UY 2314
Prerequisites for Abu Dhabi Students: (ENGR-UH 3510 or CS-UH 1050) (C- or better) and CS-UH 1002
Prerequisites for Shanghai Students: CSCI-SHU 210 (C- or better) and CSCI-SHU 2314 - 4 Credits Introduction to Operating Systm CS-UY 3224
- This course studies the fundamental concepts and principles of operating systems. Batch, spooling and multiprogramming systems are introduced. The parts of an operating system are described in terms of their functions, structure and implementation. Basic policies for allocating resources are discussed.
Prerequisites for Brooklyn Students: CS-UY 2214 AND (CS-UY 2134 or CS-UY 1134) AND (CS-UY 2124 or CS-UY 1124) (C- or better).
Prerequisite for Abu Dhabi Students: (ENGR-UH 3510 or CS-UH 1050) (C- or better) AND (CS-UH 2010 or ENGR-UH 3511)
Prerequisites for Shanghai Students: CSCI-SHU 210 (C- or better) AND CENG-SHU 202 - 4 Credits Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Systems CS-UY 3254
- This course offers a solid grounding in the basic issues and techniques of parallel and distributed computing. The material covers the spectrum from theoretical models of parallel and distributed systems to actual programming assignments.
Prerequisite: (CS-UY 2134 or CS-UY 1134) and (CS-UY 2124 or CS-UY 1124) (C- or better) and CS-UY 3224. - 4 Credits Design and Implementation of Programming Languages CS-UY 3314
- This course covers issues underlying the design of high-level programming languages, along with elements of the compiler technology used to translate those languages into executable code. Topics covered include formal description of language syntax, parsing, memory management, attributes of variables and their binding times, control and data-abstraction mechanisms and object-oriented language features. The focus is on imperative and object-oriented languages, with brief introduction to functional and logic-programming paradigms. Substantial programming projects are required.
Prerequisites: CS-UY 2134 (C- or better) or CS-UY 1134 (C- or better). - 3 Credits Computer Security CS-UY 3923
- This course covers cryptographic systems. Topics: Capability and access control mechanisms, authentication models, protection models. Database and operating system security issues, mobile code, security kernels. Malicious code, Trojan horses and computer viruses. Security policy formation and enforcement enforcement, legal aspects and ethical aspects.
Prerequisite for Brooklyn Students: CS-UY 2214
Prerequisite for CAS Students: CSCI-UA 201
Prerequisite for Abu Dhabi Students: CS-UH 2010 or ENGR-AD 3511
Prerequisite for Shanghai Students: CENG-SHU 202
Co-requisite for ALL Students: CS-UY 3224 - 3 Credits Software Engineering CS-UY 4513
- Focusing on software engineering, the course introduces techniques to specify, design, test and document medium and large software systems. Design techniques include information engineering, object orientation and complexity measures. Also covered are testing methods, such as path testing, exhaustive test models and construction of test data. An introduction to software tools and project management techniques is presented. Student projects involve team software development and tracking.
Prerequisites: Juniors or higher majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Electrical and Computer Engineering. Co-requisite: CS-UY 3224
ECE Courses
- 4 Credits Signals and Systems ECE-UY 3054
- This course centers on linear system theory for analog and digital systems; linearity, causality and time invariance; impulse response, convolution and stability; the Laplace, z- transforms and applications to Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems; frequency response, analog and digital filter design. Topics also include Fourier Series, Fourier Transforms and the sampling theorem. Weekly computer-laboratory projects use analysis- and design-computer packages. The course establishes foundations of linear systems theory needed in future courses; use of math packages to solve problems and simulate systems; and analog and digital filter design.
Prerequisites for Brooklyn Engineering Students: MA-UY 1044, MA-UY 2012/2132 or MA-UY 2034.
Prerequisites for Abu Dhabi Students: MATH-AD 116 and MATH-AD 121.
Prerequisites for Shanghai Students: MATH-SHU 124 and MATH-SHU 140. ABET competencies a, b, c, e, k. - 4 Credits Feedback Control ECE-UY 3064
- This course introduces analysis and design of linear feedback-control systems; modeling of physical systems, performance specifications, sensitivity and steady-state error; Routh- Hurwitz and Nyquist Stability tests; the use of Root Locus and frequency-response techniques to analyze system performance and design compensation (lead/lag and PID controllers) to meet performance specifications. Students analyze and design control systems using math packages in the alternate-week computer laboratory. The course establishes the foundation of feedback-control theory for use in more advanced courses; introduces control-systems design concepts and practices; and develops facility with computer-design packages for design and simulation.
Prerequisites for Brooklyn Engineering Students: EE-UY 3054 (C- or better) and PH-UY 2023.
Prerequisites for Shanghai Students: EENG-SHU 2054 (C- or better) and PHYS-SHU 93 or CCSC-SHU 51. ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, g, i, k. - 3 Credits Introduction to Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits ECE-UY 3193
- The course offers an overview of integrated circuit-design process: planning, design, fabrication and testing; device physics: PN junction, MOSFET and Spice models; inverter static and dynamic behavior and power dissipation; interconnects: cross talk, variation and transistor sizing; logic gates and combinational logic networks; sequential machines and sequential system design; subsystem design: adders, multipliers, static memory (SRAM), dynamic memory (DRAM). Topics include floor planning, clock distribution, power distribution and signal integrity; Input/Output buffers, packaging and testing; IC design methodology and CAD tools; implementations: full custom, application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), field programmable gate arrays (FPGA). The course provides foundations of VLSI design and custom VLSI design methodology and state-of-the-art CAD tools.
Prerequisites: CS-UY 2204 (C- or better) and EE-UY 3114. ABET competencies: a,c,e,k. - 4 Credits Fundamentals of Communication Theory ECE-UY 3404
- The course covers bandpass signal representation and quadrature receivers; noise in communication systems; Digital Modulation Schemes, coherent and noncoherent receivers; coding fundamentals, block and convolutional codes; higher-order modulation schemes, QAM, M-PSK; intersymbol interference and equalization techniques; and carrier and symbol synchronization. Alternate-week computer laboratory projects analyze and design computer packages. The course teaches principles of various modulation and coding techniques and their relative effectiveness under transmission-environments constraints and uses math packages to analyze and simulate communication systems.
Prerequisites for Brooklyn Engineering Students: ECE-UY 3054 (C- or better); computer engineering students may register with instructor’s approval. Co-requisite: ECE-UY 2233 (Note: Abu Dhabi students may waive ECE-UY 2233 co-requisite if they have successfully completed ENGR-AD 195 as a prerequisite)
Prerequisite for Shanghai Students: EENG-SHU 2054 (C- or better) and co-requisite of MA-UY 3012 or ECE-UY 2223. ABET competencies a, c, e, k. - 3 Credits Communication Networks ECE-UY 3613
- This course develops basic techniques used in communication networks. After protocol layering is introduced, algorithms and protocols are discussed for use in each of the five layers: physical, data link, network, transport and application. Specific protocols such as TCP/IP, ATM, SS7 are included.
Prerequisite for Brooklyn Engineering Students: Junior status in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or computer science. Co-requisites for Brooklyn Engineering Students: ECE-UY 2233 (EE majors) or MA-UY 2224 (CompE/CS majors)
Prerequisites for Abu Dhabi Students: ENGR-AD 194 (or co-req of MA-UY 3113) and ENGR-AD 195 (or co-req of ECE-UY 2233) . ABET competencies: a, c, e. - 4 Credits Introduction to Embedded Systems Design ECE-UY 4144
- The course covers architecture and operation of embedded microprocessors; microprocessor assembly language programming; address decoding; interfacing to static and dynamic RAM; Serial I/O, Parallel I/O, analog I/O; interrupts and direct memory access; A/D and D/A converters; sensors; microcontrollers. Alternate-week laboratory. Objectives: to provide foundations of embedded systems design and analysis techniques; expose students to system level design; and teach integration of analog sensors with digital embedded microprocessors.
Prerequisites: CS-UY 2204 (C- or better) and EE-UY 2024 or EE-UY 2004 (C- or better). ABET competencies: a, c, d, e, g, j, k. - 3 Credits Computer Engineering Design Project I ECE-UY 4313
- Lectures and experiments introduce computer hardware organization, assembly language programming and interfacing computer hardware to physical devices. This course exercises the student’s oral presentation and written communication skills, and provides background necessary for beginning independent project work. Students find an adviser and choose DP II course project.
Prerequisite: completion of all junior level technical courses, including minimum grade requirements. ABET competencies: a, b, c, e, f, g, k. - ECE-UY 4513 Please refer to the bulletin for more information