Matthew Campisi, PhD is a med-tech innovator and a savvy techno-preneur with more than 20 years of experience in research, teaching, and developing practical, scalable and affordable medical technologies that have helped save many lives. Matthew has led ‘all things technology’ at UE LifeSciences as the Founder and CTO to bring NoTouch BreastScan, iBreastExam, and cervAIcal products to life. As an educator, Matthew is an Industry Associate Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering.
Journal and Conference Papers
“Breast Cancer Detection Using Flexible High-Density Electrode Arrays and Electrical Impedance Tomography”
IEEE EMBS Conference 2014. Authors: Matthew S. Campisi, Curtis Barbre, Aditya Chola, Gisselle Cunningham,
Virginia Woods, and Jonathan Viventi
“Detection and Falsification Using Infrared Imaging: Time and Frequency Domain Analysis”
International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014)
Authors: Yaniv Azar, Matthew Campisi
“Detection and Falsification Using Infrared Imaging: Time Domain Moving Average”
2014 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques
Authors: Yaniv Azar, Matthew Campisi
“A High-Density, High-Channel Count, Multiplexed μECoG Array for Auditory-Cortex Recordings”
Journal of Neurophysiology Published 11 June 2014, DOI: 10.1152/jn.00179.2013
Authors: Monty Armando Escabi , Heather L Read , Jonathan Viventi , Dae-Hyeong Kim,
Nathan C Higgins , Douglas Storace , Andrew S.K. Liu , Adam M Gifford , John F Burke,
Matthew Campisi , Yun-Soung Kim , Andrew E Avrin , Jan Van der Spiegel,
Yonggang Huang , Ming Li , Jian Wu , John A Rogers , Brian Litt , Yale E Cohen
“High Sensitivity and Specificity of Digital Infrared Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection in Younger Women Undergoing Breast Biopsy”
Journal of Surgery - EJSO 36 (2010) 535-540
Authors: Gordon C Wishart, Matthew Campisi, Dawn Chapman, Vanessa Shackleton,
Sharon Iddles, Alison Hallett, Peter D Britton
General/Collaborative Research
NYU Tandon Impact Innovation Lab
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Eta Kappa Nu - Electrical Engineering Honor Society
Commercial Prototype Development and Clinical Validation of Low C, (Co-Principle Investigator)
Pennsylvania Dept. of Health, 2 Years