Sara Tomeo DeLusant joined in 2017. She serves as the Director of Career and Industry Relations for the NYU Tandon MS of Financial Engineering Program (MSFE) program in the Finance & Risk Engineering Department.
Sara currently works with students and industry partners alike on career preparation and recruitment to ensure a favorable employment outcome for the students of FRE. She offers valuable career workshops throughout the year, and provides support through alumni connectivity efforts, mock interviews, resume review sessions, and offer counseling meetings. Sara is also heavily involved with the Industry-Hosted Capstone projects, which connect students to real-world projects within industry every semester.
Prior to joining academia, Sara spent her early career working in Recruiting at Morgan Stanley, most recently managing the firm's Quantitative Finance Campus Recruitment Program. During her time supporting Quant Finance, the program saw tremendous growth in the size and quality of the Quant campus programs and recruiting efforts. She focused heavily on building out special efforts for the program, such as the Women's PhD Quant Finance Mentorship Program, and the Prize for Excellence in Financial Markets contest. These initiatives became key branding efforts and hiring pipelines for the MS Quant Analyst and Associate programs. Her past experience in industry has provided her with invaluable context on the world of recruiting for her current role.